Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Glazing Charts

Glazing Charts and Tips
These charts are examples of ways in which you can learn how different color and different pigment personalities respond to glazing.
Note that some pigments are opaque, transparent and staining pigments.
Transparent pigments always make the best glazing or layering of color.
Its important in the chart that you experience the difference between red being on the bottom and  blue glazed or layered on the top. Then be sure the reverse occurs blue on the bottom and red glazed or layered on the top. The response or order in which pigments are glazed is good knowledge to have as a watercolorists.

Chart option 1 

 Chart option 2

Chart option 3

Note that this chart is very dark. Keep glazes of layer colors light and darken in gradual steps.
Tips on Glazing
 * The magic of glazing is letting the paper dry, bone dry between each each glaze. By using the back of your hand if you feel the paper and its cool or cold, its not dry.
 * Use pigments that are the lightest in value first. Yellow, Yellow Orange, Orange, Red Orange, Red. Blue Then Green.
 * Always use a chart to add new colors so color variations are known before you proceed.
 * Be very careful if you use a staining pigment on your glazes it stains every color you previously used and will create a value rather than beautiful delicate change in color.
 * Transparent work best in glazing.
 * Refer to your pigment quality chart to remember what stained and which pigment was transparent.